Deer Creek Speedway



Deer Creek Speedway

Torgerson Tops WISSOTA Late Models - Captures First Feature Win

Spring Valley MN - July 14, 2012:  (Photo courtsey of Buck Monson Photo)   Trevor Fecht jumped into the early lead with Parker Hale in second during the Hinz Trucking USRA B-Modified feature. Shaun Walski sat in third while a three wide race for fifth ensued. A caution flew on lap three slowing the field with Fecht leading on the restart followed by Hale and Walski. Walski took over second while Hale and Jacob Bleess raced for the third spot. Another caution on lap five slowed the field and on the restart Fecht jumped back out front while Kylie Kath, Hale and Bleess were three wide for second. With seven complete they were still three wide for second until Hale took control of the spot. Another caution with eight down saw Fecht leading again with Kath jumping into the second spot. Kath started to work the high side and slowly gained ground on Fecht up front. Kath was able to pull up to Fecht a couple times but unable to complete a pass. Fecht came home with his first career feature win followed by Kath, Hale, Brady Keefe from twentieth and Scott Demmer.

Michael Conrad led early in the Cap N Cork WISSOTA Street Stock feature with Troy Voth and Bernie Adams racing for second. Voth took over second as Mike Blowers moved into the third spot on lap three. Adams fought back for a couple laps but Blowers was able to gain control of the spot. With four down Voth moved under Conrad for the lead on a restart. Blowers worked on Conrad for the next couple laps and then finally got the spot on lap seven and set sail for the leader. Voth ran the middle of the track with Blowers up high against the wall. Blowers slowly gained ground on the leader and by lap sixteen was all over his bumper. Blower got a great run on the last lap to the checkers but came up about ¾ car length behind Voth who took home the win.

The Dirt Doctor Trucking WISSOTA Midwest Modifieds were up next with Casey Trom taking the early lead. Josh Crary moved into second early battling Jesse Hernandez for the spot. The two touched on lap two slowing them and allowing Cory Crapser and Jared Boumeester to move into second and third. With three down Crapser pulled alongside of Trom for the lead and led lap four. Boumeester followed through into second on lap five while Bill Stettner came up to race with Crary for the third spot. On lap eight Stettner took over the third spot but up front Crapser was on a rail and took home the win ahead of Boumeester, Stettner, Crary and Jason Born

The Wagner Trucking WISSOTA Super Stocks put on a heck of a show early on. Harlan Morehart led early with Dave Solum and Shaun Olson racing for second. On a lap two restart the super stocks exited turn two three wide for the lead with Olson, Solum and Morehart all trying to gain control. Solum held a slight advantage until they exited turn two the next time five wide with Jeff Brauer and Kelly Anderson joining into the fray. Brauer and Anderson moved ahead of the pack with Solum playing in the middle of the them on lap five. Anderson took control on lap six with Brauer hounding him for the rest of the race. Anderson almost handed the win to Brauer on the last lap after bobbling in three and four allowing Brauer to pull alongside as they crossed the checkers. Anderson took home the win with Brauer, Brian Fetting, Solum and Olson rounding out the top five.

The Altenburg Construction WISSOTA Late Models had someone new up front during the feature and he did a great job of running a line to stay out front. Roger Torgerson jumped out front out of two on the opening lap. Joe Ludemann and Kelly Anderson raced for second with Ludemann taking the spot on lap two. On lap three Kyle Jumbeck moved into the third spot pushing Neil Eckhart back to fourth. Mike Prochnow sat in fifth. Up front Torgerson slowly pulled away from Ludemann building up a half straight lead when the caution flew on lap eleven. Torgerson jumped out front on the restart with Ludemann, Jumbeck, Prochnow and Justin Sass rounding out the top. Torgerson held off Ludemann at the checkers to take his first career WISSOTA Late Model feature in convincing fashion. Torgerson laps won at the speedway in 2001 when he was racing Dwarf Cars at the speedway.

Todd Scharkey blasted past Jake Timm on the opening lap of the NAPA AutoCare USRA modified feature event with Brandon Davis moving into third. On lap three Davis and Lucas Schott were side by side for the second spot. Schott took the spot on lap four. Schott moved up to race for second and on lap nine was all over the back bumper of Timm.   On lap eleven Davis moved up to join the race for second as they exited turn four three wide for the spot.   With Davis in second Schott took a strong move to the outside of Timm for the third spot. They touched bringing out the caution and sending Schott to the rear. On the restart Scharkey held a slight edge with Davis working down low. Davis pulled alongside on lap eighteen and then took control of the race. Jason Cummins and Mike Sorensen worked past Timm to move into third and fourth as the laps wound down. At the finish it was Davis with the win ahead of Scharkey, Cummins, Sorensen and Timm.

Earlier in the day on the Button Buck Speedway the North Country Slingshots took to the track In the Junior Slingshot division Jett Sorensen led early until Jim Chisholm took over the spot. Sorensen moved to the top of the track and the two ran side by side for the last two laps with Sorensen taking home the win. Evan Rayna led the first two laps until Jayden Larson took control in the PeeWee division and came home with the win. Derek Clement led all of the laps for the senior division slingshot to take home the win.

Hinz Trucking USRA b-Modifieds

Feature - Trevor Fecht, Kylie Kath, Parker Hale, Brady Keefe, Scott Demmer, Ben Moudry, Erik Kanz, Alan Wagner, Jacob Bleess, Tony Vaith, Justin McMahan, Patrick McCarthy, Mike Chisholm, Kasey Knutson, Jerry Young, Josh Smith, Matt Buddenberg, John Warrington, Shaun Walski, Tucker Breitung, Matt Olson, Leigh Volkman, Taylor Ausrud, Dean Hoffman

Heat 1 - Kath, Fecht, Walski, Volkman, Olson, Vaith, Breitung, Moudry

Heat 2 - Hale, Bleess, Demmer, Hoffman, Buddenberg, Smith, Keefe, Knutson

Heat 3 - Young, Kanz, Wagner, Ausrud, McMahan, Chisholm, McCarthy, Warrington


Cap N Cork WISSOTA Street Stocks

Feature - Troy Voth, Mike Blowers, Michael Conrad, Fred Prudoehl, Nick Schwebach, Kory Adams, Brent Holland, Bernie Adams, Michaela Stucky

Heat 1 - Blowers, Prudoehl, B. Adams, Voth, Conrad, K. Adams, Schwebach, Holland, Stucky


Dirt Doctor WISSOTA Midwest Modifieds

Feature - Cory Crapser, Jared Boumeester, Bill Stettner, Josh Crary, Jason born, Cody Gardner, Jesse Hernandez, Casey Trom, Joe Frahm, Kadden Kath, Jake Stark, Steven Amundson, Mike Mehling, Tyron Friese, Harlan Morehart

Heat 1 - Amundson, Stettner, Gardner, Trom, Morehart, Stark, Kath, Friese

Heat 2 - Crapser, Boumeester, Crary, Hernandez, Born, Mehling, Frahm


Wagner Trucking WISSOTA Super Stock

Feature - Kelly Anderson, Jeff Brauer, Brian Fetting, Dave Solum, Shaun Olson, Michael Hofer, Harlan Morehart, Kevin Hager, Gary Wiersgalla

Heat 1 - Wiersgalla, Fetting, Olson, Morehart, Hofer

Heat 2 - Anderson, Hager, Brauer, Solum, Siegle


Altenburg Construction WISSOTA Late Models

Feature - Roger Torgerson, Joe Ludemann, Kyle Jumbeck, Mike Prochnow, Justin Sass, Kelly Anderson, lance Matthees, Nate Beyenhof, Paul Parker, jerry Bloom, Nick Kramer, Dennis Hillson, Paul Novotny, Lucas Peterson, Nick Herrick, Neil Eckhart, Roger Herrick, Nick Beyenhof, Doug Herrick

Heat 1 - N. Herrick, Na. Beyenhof, Matthees, Sass, Bloom, R. Herrick, D. Herrick

Heat 2 - Torgerson, Anderson, Jumbeck, Peterson, Kramer, Ni. Beyenhof

Heat 3 - Parker, Ludemann, Eckhart, Prochnow, Hillson, Novotny


NAPA AutoCare USRA Modifieds

Feature - Brandon Davis, Todd Scharkey, Jason Cummins, Mike Sorensen, Jake Timm, Mark Teske, Nate Wasmund, JJ Wise, Joe Horgdal, Bobby Swanson, Dan Bohr, Lucas Schott, Joel Alberts, Josh Angst, Kurt Krauskopf, Troy Hovey, Cole Queensland, Les Duellman, Doug Hillson, Mick Glenn, Brandon Hare, Lance Hofer, Greg Jensen, Luke Schilling, Darwyn Karau, James Broszeit

B-Feature - Queensland, Broszeit, Glenn, Jensen, Schilling, Hillson, Brian Shaw, Don Gerritsen Jr., Bill Clemens, Mark Noble, Mike Gibson, Ric Fynbo, LeRoy Scharkey

Heat 1 - Bohr, Wise, T. Scharkey, Wasmund, hare, Broszeit, Glenn, Noble, Gibson

Heat 2 - Schott, Teske, Alberts, Duellman, Hofer, Jensen, Gerritsen Jr., Fynbo

Heat 3 - Cummins, J. Timm, Angst, Hovey, Horgdal, Queensland, Schilling, Shaw

Heat 4 - Davis, Sorensen, Krauskopf, Swanson, Karau, Clemens, Hillson, L. Scharkey


Button Buck Speedway

Truck Country Slingshots

PeeWee Division Feature - Jayden Larson, Evan Reyna, Karlie Wagner, Makayla Wagner, Joe Chisholm, Carter Walters, Easton Wasmund

Heat 1 - Larson, K. Wagner, Reyna, Chisholm, M. Wagner, Wasmund, Walters

Heat 2 - Larson, Reyna, M. Wagner, k. Wagner, Chisholm, Wasmund, Walters


Junior Division Feature - Jett Sorensen, Jim Chisholm, Keagan Einck, Jayden Larson, Dakota Kelly, AJ Johnston, JT Wasmund, Aaron Hoff

Heat 1 - Sorensen, Larson, Chisholm, Huff, Einck, Johnson, Wasmund, Kelly

Heat 2 - Wasmund, Chisholm, Einck, Sorensen, Hoff, Larson, Johnston, Kelly


Senior Division Feature - Derek Clement, Dan Olson, Jackson Hale, Dustin Sorensen, Keagan Einck, Jim Chisholm, Tanner Johnston, AJ Johnston, Jackson Koster

Heat 1-1 Clement, Chisholm, Koster, A. Johnston, T. Johnston

Heat 1-2 Olson, Hale, Sorensen, Einck

Heat 2-1 Koster, Clement, Chisholm, A. Johnston, T. Johnston

Heat 2-2 Sorensen, Hale, Olson, Einck

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