Deer Creek Speedway



Deer Creek Speedway


SPRING VALLEY, MN: Yep, It was Memorial Day Weekend and Mother Nature tried to ruin the racing enthusiasm in Southern Minnesota. The workers at Deer Creek Speedway along with a great bunch of help took the challenge in stride and pulled off a great night of racing. With a 1/2" rain just after the lunch hour the crew worked hard all day to make the show happen. The racing happened and a very good crowd showed with areas close by receiving 2-3" of rain in the afternoon.

Grady Myers made the haul over from Ethan SD and pulled into the early lead of the WISSOTA Street Stock feature event. Nick Schwebach sat in second while Fred Prudoehl ran in third. With two down Schwebach started to pressure Myers for the lead. Shaun Mann started to pressure Schwebach for second on lap three and on lap four blasted below the front two to take over the lead. Myers and Schwebach continued to battle for second as Mann sat out front. With twelve down Myers started to gain ground on Mann up front by to no avail as Mann took home his second straight win at the speedway. Myers, Schwebach, Mike Blowers and Kory Adams rounded out the top five.

Ryan Siegle took the early lead in the Wagner Trucking WISSOTA Super Stock feature event with Kevin Hager in second early on. With three down Hager and Michael Hofer were side by side for third as Kelly Anderson put a charge on under them and took over the second spot and was all over Siegle for the lead.   With five down Anderson took over the lead while Hofer took over the second position. As Hofer took over the second spot Ross Dixon found his groove and by lap eight took over the third spot. The yellow flew on lap nine and on the restart Anderson led with Dixon moving past Hofer to take over the second spot. Another caution flew on lap ten with Anderson leading, Dixon in second. On lap fourteen Adam Ayotte took over the fifth spot as another caution on lap fifteen bunched up the field again. Anderson led on the restart Hofer briefly took over second as Dixon found his groove again. Anderson slipped up in turn two on the last lap allowing Dixon to blast by and Hofer following through into second. At the finish is was the Ramona Rocket Ross Dixon with the win, Hoger, Andreson, Jeff Brauer and Ayotte rounding out the top five.

Supporting the USMTS Modifieds on the night was the IronMan series for USRA B-Modifieds and Stock Cars. The B-Modifieds pulled onto the track first and unfortunately they disappointed tonight with a caution fest. Scott Demmer jumped out front with a bold move on lap one and was basically uncontested from that point on. Brian Mahlstedt and Trevor Hunt had the best race of the night and was what most people watched. For most of the race the two ran side by side for the second spot. After many restarts including single file starts and a cut in laps Demmer easily took home the win with Mahlstadt having to settle for second over Hunt in third. Kylie Kath and Tyler Drost rounded out the top five.

After a disappointing B-Modified feature the USRA Stock Cars rocked the house with a three wide battle for the lead out of turn two. Kyle Falck and Steve Jackson raced for the lead. Jackson took over the lead while Lynn Panos worked into the second spot on lap two. With three down Tom Schmidt moved under Falck for the third spot and then with six down moved under Panos for the second spot. Panos would retake the second spot on lap ten while Mitch Hovden, Jake Masters and Matt Jones were three wide for the fourth spot. Masters found that running just above the small cushion was his key as he took over fourth on lap fifteen. Lap fifteen saw a caution fly and on the restart Panos, Masters and Jackson were three wide for third as Schmidt took over the second spot. Panos and Jackson were tight in battle and Masters got his break as the two got together bringing out a caution while Masters flew by on the high side. On the restart Masters again jumped up top and took over the lead as Hovden, Falck and Jackson raced for second. Masters took home the win with Falck, Hovden, Jackson and Dan Christopher rounding out the top five.

Twenty Nine cars started the $2,000 to win USMTS 40 lap modified feature. Eric Dailey jumped out to the early lead with Jacob Dahle in second. Mike Sorensen and Brandon Davis were side by side for third.   Davis moved into second on lap two while Sorensen would follow through into third. Dahle raced with Rodney Sanders for the fourth spot with five down. The yellow flew at the end of lap five and on the restart Davis and Dailey were side by side for the lead. Davis took control of the race on lap six while Sanders moved past Sorensen for third. Nine completed saw Dailey slip up allowing Sanders and Sorensen to move past into second and third. Another caution with eleven complete bunched the field back up. On the restart Davis lead with Sanders in second and Sorensen in third. With Davis leading and Sorensen in second Sanders and Dahle raced for third ahead of Ryan Gustin. With sixteen down Steve Wetzstein joined in the race and moved under Gustin for fifth. Gustin rallied back and on lap twenty had moved under Dahle for the fourth spot. A restart on lap twenty three saw Davis leading. Sorensen was in second with Gustin in third. A three car battle for fifth worked into a four car race for sixth on the next lap. With thirty down Lucas Schott worked under Gustin for the fourth spot. Even though there was another caution on lap thirty five Davis pulled out to a big lead on the restart and took home his first USMTS feature event. Rodney Sanderson, Steve Wetzstein, Joey Jensen and Mike Sorensen rounded out the top five.

Photo courtesy of

Cap n Cork WISSOTA Street Stocks

Feature - Shaun Mann, Grady Myers, Nick Schwebach, Mike Blowers, Kory Adams, Fred Prudoehl, Troy Voth, Bernie Adams, Brent Holland, Andrew Lokinvitz

Heat 1 - K. Adams, Mann, Schwebach, B. Adams, Lokinvitz

Heat 2 - Voth, Prudoehl, Myers, Blowers, Holland


Wagner Trucking WISSOTA Super Stock

Feature - Ross Dixon, Michael Hofer, Kelly Anderson, Jeff Brauer, Adam Ayotte, Kevin Hager, Rick Lisowski, Cole Searing, Ryan Siegle, Harlan Morehart, Mike Fitzpatrick

Heat 1 - Siegle, Hager, Lisowski, Fitzpatrick, Ayotte

Heat 2 - Dixon, Hofer, Anderson, Searing, Morehart, Brauer


USMTS Modifieds


Brandon Davis, Rodney Sanders, Steve Wetzstein, Joey Jensen, Mike Sorensen, Lucas Schott, Jason Cummins, Jacob Dahle, Kelly Shryock, Eric Dailey, Bob Timm, Bryan Rowland, Johnny Scott, Jay Ihrke, Dan Bohr, Nick Herrick, Troy Hovey, Ryan Ruter, Ryan Gustin, Nate Wasmund, Brad Waits, Josh Angst, Jon Tesch, Mike Steensma, Matt Dotson, Stormy Scott, Ron Ver Beek, Daniel Hilsabeck, Brandon Beckendorf


Schott, Wasmund, Bohr, Rowland, Dereck Ramirez, Cody Erickson, S. Scott, Jake Timm, Joel Alberts, Bobby Swanson, Greg Jensen, Tim Donlinger, Joe Horgdal, Doug Hillson, Terry Timmerman,


Shryock, J. Scott, B. Timm, Beckendorf, Eric Pember, Keith Foss, Cole Queensland, J.J. Wise, Corey Dripps, Bob Gierke, Al Hejna, Brad Loveday, Jimmy Broszeit, Ryan Peckham


Tesch, Ihrke, Waits, Ver Beek, Pat Graham, Troy Hovey, Doug Herrick, Tom Brink, Rick Fynbo, Kenny Wytaske, Darwin Karau, Jeff Larson, Matt Dotson, Kurt Krauskopf


Davis, Ruter, B. Timm, Graham, Pember, Loveday, Gierke, Alberts, Hejna, Queensland


Dailey, Waits, Cummins, Ver Beek, Schott, Donlinger, Ihrke, Dripps, Brink, Matt Dotson


J. Jensen, Ramirez, Hilsabeck, Wasmund, Hillson, Karau, Swanson, Broszeit, Timmerman, Bohr.


Gustin, Sanders, Shryock, Tesch, Beckendorf, Peckham, Foss, Hovey, Wise


Steensma, Wetzstein, Angst, Erickson, D. Herrick, Wytaske, Larson, Fynbo, Krauskopf


Dahle, Sorensen, N. Herrick, S. Scott, J. Scott, G. Jensen, Horgdal, J. Timm, Rowland




"A" MAIN - Jake Masters, Kyle Falck, Mitch Hovden, Steve Jackson, Dan Christopher, Matt Jones, Shawn Peter, Kevin Donlan, Luke Sathoff, .Roger Verdoorn, Ryan Hiscocks, Ken Tietz, Tom Schmitt, Pete Solum, Austin Curtin, Andrew Kelly, Ned Kalis, Arlen Hoy, Shay Curtin, Todd Staley, Dennis Plain, Lynn Panos, Mike Mauer, Andy Altenberg, Tory Reicks

"B" MAIN #1 - Donlan, Christopher, Peter, Kalis, Solum, Mauer, Ryan Goergen, Greg Haman, Chris Toot, Casey Sebastian, Philip Wernert, Dustin Wannarka.

"B" MAIN #2 - Masters, Hoy, Tietz, Sathoff, Altenberg, Staley, Plain, Jake Lampert, Christopher Wiltse, Jim Gregoire, Jesse Baer

HEAT #1 - Reicks, Verdoorn, Kelly, Solum, Plain, Staley, Lampert, Wannarka, Altenberg

HEAT #2 - Falck, S. Curtin, Jackson, Jones, Donlan, Peter, Sebastian, Baer, Wernert, Haman

HEAT #3 - Schmitt, Hiscocks, A. Curtin, Hoy, Sathoff, Goergen, Wiltse, Mauer

HEAT #4 - Panos, Hovden, Christopher, Tietz, Kalis, Gregoire, Toot, Masters



"A" MAIN - Scott Demmer, Brian Mahlstedt, Trevor Hunt, Kylie Kath, Tyler Droste, Jacob Bleess, Shaun Walski, Brian Schrage, Erik Kanz, Matt Lettow, Josh Bonnstetter, Parker Hale, Jason Schlangen, Josh Smith, Jared Timmerman, Josh Roney, Jerry Young, Dean Hoffman, Ryan Halverson, Ben Kates, Trevor Fecht, Alan Wagner, Josh Gesell, Dan Wheeler

"B" MAIN #1 - J. Young, Schlangen, Hoffman, Wheeler, Hale, Timmerman, Jason Born, Brady Keefe, Pete Kiley, Rob Arnold, Chris Weigert

"B" MAIN #2 - Kanz, Smith, Gesell, Wagner, Roney, Halverson, Mike Jaeger, John Warrington, Ben Moudry, Alex Schubbe, Mike Chisholm

HEAT #1 - Demmer, Schrage, Lettow, Gesell, Young, Kanz, Timmerman, Roney, Weigert

HEAT #2 - Walski, Droste, Bleess, Bonnstetter, Hale, R. Arnold, J. Born, Keefe, Moudry

HEAT #3 - Hunt, Kath, Schlangen, Smith, Jaeger, Schubbe, Wagner, Kiley.

HEAT #4 - Mahlstedt, Kates, Fecht, Hoffman, Halverson, Wheeler, Chisholm, Warrington


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